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Yekaterinburg offers plenty of cross-country skiing, with trails stretching for miles. There are some downhill skiing resorts as well. It will take you approximately 25 minutes to get to the nearest of them from the center of the city.
Aquapark Limpopo (Аквапарк Лимпопо) (Take City train to Botanicheskaya (ОП Ботаническая) and walk toward east five mins). The largest water leisure park in Europe.
Circus (Екатеринбургский Государственный Цирк им. В.И.Филатова), Ul. 8 Marta (ул. 8 Марта), 43 (Near the metro station Geologicheskaya (Геологическая)). Richly ornamented building which hosts all sorts of circus shows. Nearby is the abandoned television tower.
Yekaterinburg For You English Club. Every Wednesday at 8:30PM at Havana Club. Great place to meet other foreigners and local Russians who speak English. RUB300 minimum purchase required.

Yekaterinburg offers plenty of cross-country skiing, with trails stretching for miles. There are some downhill skiing resorts as well. It will take you approximately 25 minutes to get to the nearest of them from the center of the city.
Aquapark Limpopo (Аквапарк Лимпопо) (Take City train to Botanicheskaya (ОП Ботаническая) and walk toward east five mins). The largest water leisure park in Europe.
Circus (Екатеринбургский Государственный Цирк им. В.И.Филатова), Ul. 8 Marta (ул. 8 Марта), 43 (Near the metro station Geologicheskaya (Геологическая)). Richly ornamented building which hosts all sorts of circus shows. Nearby is the abandoned television tower.
Yekaterinburg For You English Club. Every Wednesday at 8:30PM at Havana Club. Great place to meet other foreigners and local Russians who speak English. RUB300 minimum purchase required.
Domestic flights to Yekaterinburg city: